AAHL Spectator & Locker Room Policy - Updated October 2023
Arrows player uniforms consist of home / away jerseys and socks, and shell . Each player will be required and responsible for the purchase and care of their Arrows uniform. Costs associated with their uniform are not included in the season fee.
Commitment Fee:
The nonrefundable Commitment Fee will be automatically charged to your account once tryouts are complete and you have accepted a position on the team by not declining your position on the team in the posted time frame. If the player declines his placement within the posted timeframe, there will be no further financial obligation to AAHL and your Commitment Fee will be refunded. When you accept a position on a team you are obligated to pay the entire Season Fee and the Commitment Fee. In some cases the commitment fee is due at the time of registration.
If a player decides to resign from AAHL after having accepted a position, it is the responsibility of that player or that player’s parents to notify both an Executive Officer of AAHL and either the Manager or Coach of that player’s team. The notification to the Executive Officer must be in writing. All unpaid season fees will be due prior to issuing a release to play for another association.
Any earned credits from the previous season cannot be used for the tryout fee or commitment fee. Once teams are established credits will be applied to the remaining season fee balance.
At the time of registration, the option to pay in full or make payments will be available. Cash or Check payments will not be accepted. The Commitment Fee will go towards the total season dues. If AAHL is charged a NSF fee for any player, that player is responsible to make the payment good and also to pay any NSF fees charged to AAHL.
In order to ensure the financial stability of the Amateur Armstrong Hockey League (AAHL), if your account becomes delinquent according to the terms of this agreement, you agree that AAHL may commence proceedings before a District Justice or Magistrate to collect the unpaid amount, obtain a judgement for such amount plus interest and costs, and execute on such judgement by all lawful means.
Fee Disclaimer:
The AAHL is a non-profit organization. Fees could be adjusted upwards at any time at the discretion of the AAHL Board of Directors.
Fundraisers / Fundraising:
The league may choose to have one mandatory fundraiser during the season to ensure that adequate operating funds are available. The opportunity for additional individual fundraising credit to offset individual player fees will also be available. Due to moving to a new registration / payment platform, The extent of fundraising is operating on a To Be Determined basis.
Injury Exemption:
If a player becomes injured during the season and is not medically able to participate for more than 6 weeks, please contact the treasurer to complete an injury exemption form to seek a deduction in season dues prorated to the length of the playing absence. Documentation from the doctor will be required and attendance requirements during the injury are up to the coaching staff.
If the team attends any outside tournaments, that team is responsible for collecting the fee(s) to cover the costs of those tournaments.
Release for "Use Of Likeness":
By completion of the online registration, and / or appearing on a USA Hockey Roster for an AAHL registered team, all individuals (players, parents, guardians) consent to the use or publication of their image or likeness as part of any and all visual, audio, and / or video production, now or in the future, either produced by the AAHL or sanctioned by the AAHL, without requiring consent or compensation, and without protest.. The AAHL has the authority to produce - or authorize production of - the name, image, and / or likeness of all (players, coaches, parents, guardians) for use on websites, social media networks, publications, and similar media at the sole discretion of the AAHL.
Tryouts and General Disclosures:
In order to be eligible to participate in the AAHL tryouts a player must complete the online registration. Cash payments are not accepted and all payments are made online, including the non-refundable tryout fee.
Every player must pass a current physical exam and have current medical insurance to participate. Player parent / guardian are responsible that these items are covered prior to tryouts or any team participation.
At least two tryout sessions will be provided for each division (in most cases). No part of the tryout fee will be refunded if one or more of the sessions is missed. No part of the tryout fee will be returned if a player does not accept the team he is assigned to. No part of the tryout fee will be returned if a player does not make a team.
Any earned credits from the previous season cannot be used for the tryout fee or commitment fee. Once teams are established credits will be applied to the remaining season fee balance.
Team Evaluations:
AAHL teams are selected based on a competitive criteria of AA, A and B. Therefore, evaluation of players is necessary for the selection of teams and players and families are bound by the results of these evaluations. Should you feel an appeal is necessary, you must bring your request to the AAHL Board of Directors for consideration.
USA Hockey Registration:
Online registration with USA Hockey is required. The USA Hockey registration fee is not included in the yearly dues for AAHL.
Equipment disclosure:
All players must be equipped with the following: hockey skates, approved helmet with full face guard, mouth guard, throat protector, elbow pads, hockey gloves, chest protector, groin cup, padded hockey pants, shin guards and a regulation hockey stick. USA Hockey Rule 304 regarding "Equipment" must be followed. Costs associated with hockey equipment are not included in the season fee and are the player / parent responsibility.
Medical / Liability Release Statement:
If your child is injured during a USA Hockey, PAHL, PIHL, or Amateur Armstrong Hockey League (AAHL) sponsored event, you give permission to the person(s) in charge to seek medical attention. Upon entering events sponsored by USA Hockey or its member districts, you agree to abide by the rules of USA Hockey, PAHL, PIHL, and AAHL. You understand that participation in the sport of ice hockey constitutes risk of injury. You voluntarily and knowingly recognize, accept and assume this risk and release USA Hockey and the AAHL, its affiliates, their sponsors, event organizers, coaches and officials from any liability therefore.
Volunteer Responsibilities:
AAHL is able to offer reasonable fees through the voluntary efforts of it members. We depend upon the families in the organization to participate in the running of the Belmont kitchen. If you do not wish to work in the kitchen, a buy-out is available at $240 per player per team. If you are unable to work your scheduled shift, a $60/shift fee will be charged. In the event of a NO-SHOW, a $75.00/shift fee will be charged.
USA Hockey Code of Conduct
- No swearing or abusive language on the bench, in the rink, or at any team function.
- No lashing out at any official no matter what the call is. The coaching staff will handle all matters pertaining to officiating.
- Anyone who receives a penalty will skate directly to the penalty box.
- Fighting will not be tolerated. Fighting will result in an appearance before the Discipline Committee.
- There will be no drinking, smoking, chewing of tobacco or use of illegal substance at any team function.
- I will conduct myself in a befitting manner at all facilities (ice rink, hotel, restaurant, etc.) during all team functions.
- Any player or team official who cannot abide by these rules or violates them will be subject to further disciplinary action.